Sure, physical copies of books will most likely never go out of style or production. Buyers purchase gorgeous hardcovers to be displayed at home in personal libraries or on coffee tables. They are pieces of art that become extensions of how we perceive ourselves or how we want to be perceived by others. And for writers, nothing quite beats the feeling of holding your own printed copy in your hands. But with all that being said, it is hard not to acknowledge the massive digital shift that has been occurring since the onset of the electronic book. And if you have yet to notice, now is the time.

Books could always be consumed just about anywhere, but now they can also be read on just about anything: E-readers, computers, phones, and just about any mobile device. Are you unsure of whether or not you should convert your project into an eBook and distribute it electronically on websites like Amazon? If your goals are to reach a larger audience while saving time and money, then the answer to your difficulty should be clear. Cast your content out into the world with minimal effort and little to no wait time compared to distributing physical copies.
ePublishing is an excellent way of allowing millions to find, purchase, and read your finished book. Shandon Publishing can prepare your book for ePublishing so that it can be accessed on major eBook websites and is available to download on mobile devices, tablets, and eReaders.