As well as assisting you with all aspects of publishing, we’re also proud to help authors get the public attention they deserve even after their book is published. We do this by assisting them with promoting and marketing their work.
Our experienced team will help you with the following:
- Reach your target audience.
- Catch the eye of media groups.
- Build your professional network.
- Plan your pre-publishing marketing plan.
- Market your content strategically.

Is it time to publish, print, design, and distribute that book you’ve been on? As you shift your focus from writing and making creative decisions to focusing solely on business and marketing matters, you may begin to feel uneasy. Do you believe in your work but harbour the fear of never reaching your intended audience? Are you worried the right media groups won’t ever notice you or feature your content? If you plan on tackling this endeavour solo, these fears are entirely valid. But the good news is that you don’t have to do this alone.
We can help you build your professional brand and reputation regardless of your genre or niche. Millions of books are published each year, so ensure yours is remembered by having the right team behind you. Establishing credibility takes time and strategic thinking. If you are short on time and would rather spend your mental power on your craft than the business surrounding it, consider leaving it to a team of experienced professionals.
Our expert PR team can help you write press releases and promote your book. We can then help you reach out to a network of local and national media outlets in order to market your book further–this can be the first step in helping you get a book review or interview, which are excellent promotional tools. We can also help you when it comes to book launches, which are another great way of generating positive publicity for your finished book.